Summer – a different picture of Finland.

When talking about the Nordic countries, people usually remember about the winter which can be last for half of the year. However, in my opinion, the winter is just the background for the summer to be shined. Contrary to long winter, summer in Nordic countries is quite short, roughly 2 months. However, it could be the best time around the year. In Turku, the summer also lasts for around 2 months. The sun is always shining on the sky. In the longest day, the daytime is around 20 hours and sun just has 3 hours to sleep. In summer, Finns have many activities. People tend to gather outside instead of bar or stay at home like in winter. You can see people where you can see the sunshine. This creates a whole new picture of Finland that you may not notice when talking about this country. The summer here is short but values for every second. 


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